
Fast QR ordering for your business.

Activate your solution online fast, no contract needed. Register today and get 66 days free!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is F6ST.com?

F6ST.com is a QR code-based ordering app that lets your customers order directly from their smartphones. Setup is quick, completed within one hour. Key benefits for you include lower labor costs, reduced wait times for your customers, and improved customer satisfaction.

How much I will pay?

Your monthly fee is €26, granting full access to all features and customer support. You receive payments directly to your bank account, incurring additional transaction fees determined by the transaction type and payment method, as set by Checkout.com. Learn more about transaction fees.

Receiving Orders

You can receive orders through the F6ST web application or directly via WhatsApp. You also have the option to integrate with the Star Cloud Receipt Printer, which allows for printing bills with QR codes to streamline your operations further.

Who Should Use F6ST.com?

F6ST.com is designed for various business models, including pay and order, order only, and QR code on the bill. It's perfect for you if you run a restaurant, cafe, bar, food truck, cinema, or retail shop and are seeking efficient transactions.

Payment Methods

F6ST.com supports multiple payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. The payment options available to your customers may vary by location, ensuring you cater to a broad range of preferences.

Contact Form

If you need further details or assistance, please visit our Contact Page. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you with any questions you have about getting started with F6ST.com.

TODO put here the Best Features section
Jeremy Curved line

it just works

“I really like how this all-in-one solution manages my restaurant orders, makes my customers happy, encourages them to return, and helps me save on labor costs.”

Jeremy Hermann Restaurant Owner